Supercharged Drivers: 14-24 4Runner Morimoto XB Evo / XB Evo Hybrid

$206.00 CAD

More Power: While the XB Evo and XB Evo Hybrid Headlights have no problem performing right out of the box, the Supercharged drivers allow users to maximize output.
On Road: The standard LED drivers are under-powering the LED projectors to ensure output levels remain just below the maximum limits for compliance reasons.
Off Road: If you want even more light for your off-road adventures, the Supercharged drivers will boost output by 30-50% over stock, but result in non-compliant levels of peak intensity.
Bolt-On: Easy to install in minutes and won’t affect the reliability or warranty of your new Morimoto headlights.
Compatible: With Morimoto XB Evo and XB Evo Hybrid headlights.

Morimoto Headlights: LF2-531 and LF2-531Y Only
Compliance: Installation results in non-compliant intensity. Not for on-road use in USA.

Installation Guide

LED Drivers: 2x (One Pair) Supercharged LED Drivers
Warranty: 5 years

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More Power: The XB Evo and XB Evo Hybrid headlights are designed for enthusiasts who are serious about technology, styling, reliability, and performance–and while they have no problem checking all those boxes right out of their boxes: if you need even more output… here is your answer.

On Road: The Morimoto XB Evo and XB Evo Hybrid Headlights are DOT compliant with all FVMSS108 regulations for on-road use in the USA. Their projector optics are so capable and efficient that their LEDs are only driven at about 50% of their full potential intensity to avoid exceeding limitations set by compliance. The system was designed in California by Morimoto’s lead optical engineer, Yoshi Ishida, to deliver maximum visibility, comfort, and safety, and that it does.

Off Road: Yes, you read that correctly. Out of the box, the XB Evos are only producing a fraction of their potential intensity for compliance reasons. So, you want even more light for your off-road adventures? These Supercharged LED drivers bolt on and boost both the low and high beam intensity by 30-50%, all without sacrificing reliability or warranty.

Non-Compliant: While the Supercharged drivers easily enable the XB Evo and XB Evo Hybrid to outshine the competition no matter the model, we must reiterate that they will result in non-compliant levels of peak beam intensity, and therefore should not be used on public roads. Once installed, it is NOT possible to reduce intensity back to compliant levels without re-installing the standard DOT-Spec drivers.

Welcome Sequence: When installed on the Hybrid version of the XB Evo Headlights, these will also add the awesome welcome sequence to the projectors and DRL optics that isn’t normally active on that version of the headlights. Even though this does nothing for light output, it definitely looks cool, and there’s nothing wrong with that!

Trouble-Free: Three color-coded indicator lights* on the back of the LED drivers not only help to assure you that everything is working properly, but if in the rare case that something isn’t, also help you identify problems with minimal troubleshooting and/or disassembly. *The Red LED confirms power to the DRL, the green LED confirms power to the low beam circuit, and the blue LED to the high beam circuit.

Bolt-On: Designed as a direct replacement for the standard LED drivers, these are an easy swap on the back of the housings during headlight installation. Again, because the standard drivers are under-powering the LED projectors for DOT compliance reasons, these Supercharged drivers will not cause any reliability issues since the boosted power is still within range of what the LEDs can safely handle. These optional Supercharged drivers are compatible with both XB Evo and XB Evo Hybrid headlights.

Power Rating: 1,500mA
Output Boost: 30-50 Percent Increase
Status Indicators: Red – Switched ignition power/fuse tap. Green – Low Beam power. Blue – High Beam power.
Input: XB Evo / XB Evo Hybrid multi-pin connector